
WEDDING LIGHT DESIGN: Create the most evocative atmosphere at your wedding!

Lights can make the difference in a wedding, for this reason I always suggest couples to take in great consideration the light design during their wedding.

Why Light design is so important.

In my travels or in discovering unknown places  I am always fascinated by the city lights. People get up when the sun rise and go to bed lit by the shining stars for this reason we can say that it is a present element in anyone’s life. I am talking about it because lighting has a very important role in the structure of an event or a wedding; it can change the mood or the whole atmosphere. Planning a destination wedding is something unique and obviously the region, the venue have a key role in the choice but I think your decision is dictated but the atmosphere  that you breath in some particular hours  of the day. The point of view can definitely change. All these thoughts to say that lightning has a main role and DAMA Wedding will guide you in the right decision about it.

Making some examples  you can have different situations:

  • candles and tea lights as centerpiece for e romantic and simple style
  • hung chandeliers to give an elegant mood
  • bulb lights for a rustic design
  • fairy lights, small and shining for giving a natural star aspect at the event
  •  architectural lights for the whole atmosphere.

They are important to underline the particular shape or beauty of an element which can be a tree or the wall of a venue

Wedding cake light design

And now it is the time of the wedding cake show. The moment can have special effects for example a fireworks show linked to music or sparkles show in which each guest can wake them.

Lights can make the difference in a wedding so due to this newlyweds and lighting shine together to make a bright and great day!

Photos: GB AUDIO